+1 vote

Is it possible to combine openLCA with python(Spyder) version 3.7, or ist it only old versions of python(jupiter notebook)
in openLCA by (200 points)
by (5.3k points)
I've had no issues using python with openLCA via the olca-ipc. You may be referring to setting up the development environment to use jython though? I'll have to admit, I haven't tried to do that in a few years, so something maybe out of date there.
by (131k points)
I think Jython refers to the developer window in openLCA, and indeed via IPC you can use modern Python 3 instead.
by (5.3k points)
I was speaking more to this old tutorial - https://github.com/GreenDelta/openlca-python-tutorial/blob/master/ide_setup.md

Helpful if you want to work directly within openLCA using an IDE to allow code debugging, etc. And actually now that I think about - to the OP's question, jython is limited to python 2 and can't use pandas, etc.

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