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Dear all,

I would like to import a data given by a chemicals manufacturer. This data is the impact result calculated with the CML 2001 method.

As I can not recreate the process as the manufacturer only shared the impact result, how can I do to import in OpenLCA the impact result of a process ?

Maybe this question is basic knowledge about OpenLCA. But I'm a bit lost, thank you very much for your help.

Kind regards,
in openLCA by (150 points)

1 Answer

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by (130k points)
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Best answer
Hi Anna,

that is a good question, a not so elegant solution for now is to assume this is a normal process, and to create instead of the LCIA results the amounts of the respective reference flow per LCIA category (i.e., have  4kg CO2 emissions instead of 4 kg CO2 eq GWP) in this process.

You can also create "pseudo flows" (CO2 eq. etc.) and then add these to the methods, but this is even more workaroundish.

All the best,

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