0 votes
is it possible to import datasets from ILCDN and, in particular, from a node created in local with Soda4LCA?
Can I use the following setting?
-    http://localhost:8080/Node
-    password: those used for the Soda4LCA login

in openLCA by
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2 Answers

+1 vote
by (14.0k points)

The connection for the URL should end with the `resource` path, so `http://localhost:8080/Node/resource` in your example, or `http://eplca.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ELCD3/resource` for the current ELCD database.

0 votes
by (129k points)
Hi, yes indeed that is possible, this is the ILCD network import option, with connection details as you say. If you need further support we are glad to help.
Best wishes,
by (129k points)
Hi, thank you for your detailed post, please contact us directly - thank you!
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