+1 vote

Hello community,

I am trying to launch the IPC server from a Raspberry Pi. I am following the olca-ipc procedure in https://github.com/GreenDelta/olca-modules/tree/master/olca-ipc, I successfully built the server app with Maven and I can launch the server via eclipse using PyDev and Jython. I am having a hard time trying to start the server without using eclipse but from the command line. I feel like I am lost in a very simple passage, but I am not a Java expert, and I cannot decipher the lines: 

 "Using the IPC server via the API looks like this:

Server server = new Server(8080); server.withDefaultHandlers(aDatabase, aMatrixSolver); server.start(); " 

How and where should I run them?



in openLCA by (140 points)
by (210 points)
I also have the same problem. Thank you for asking the question!

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