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I am wondering how the impact analysis result is calculated.

 I typed flows manually and found no impact factor value in the impact factors sheet. Though I clicked open in that sheet it didn't work. I made a process with those flows(inputs and outputs) and there is no impact analysis result.  

What should I do to get impact analysis results? Do I need to type impact factors manually for individual flows?

Or is it only available for databases in Nexus not for data typed manually?

I've struggled with this issue for a long time but couldn't get it. Hope I can get the answer here. Thanks.



openlca flow and process

in openLCA by (140 points)

1 Answer

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by (14.0k points)

Yes, when you create new flows, also if they have the same name as existing flows, you need to create new characterization factors in the respective impact categories for them.
