0 votes

I work with the add-on EN15804, but 5 indicators are not generated (indicators required by EN15804 CN) : air emission, water emission, externally supplied energy (vapor), externally supplied energy (electricity) and externally supplied energy (gas). Do I have to calculate by myself ?

Thank you very much, have a good day.
in openLCA by (160 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (130k points)
Hi Marie,

indeed, the EN154804 is not considering the specific /CN national adaptation; Imust admit I am not too familiar with it, "air emission", e.g., what would this be as indicator? How would you calculate it? Also the other indicators? Because we could of course then simply add them in a revision / updated version.

All the best, thank you,

+1 vote
by (210 points)
Hi Marie,

If I understand well your question you need indicators "Air pollution" and "Water pollution" from the french national complement NF EN 15804/CN(2016)?

If right there will be an updated version of this document to be published next october/november 2022: the indicators have been removed so no need to calculate them. I highly recommand you to wait until the end of the year if possible.

Or else you can make them yourself or ask Andreas to make the indicators but I wish you both good luck and time, it is not an easy task (I have done it once believe me).

by (160 points)
Thank you very much Nicolas. Yes, I was talking about the french national complement NF EN 15804 CN