+1 vote

Calculating the PERM indicator (Primary energy, renewable, used as raw material) with Ecoinvent 3.10 + EN15084 Addon and EN150804+A2 (EF v3.1) method, the result is always zero:

EN15804+A2 EF v3.1

If we do the very same calculation with the old ecoinvent 3.8 + EN15804 addon and EN15804_A2_2020_3 method, results where not zero (as expected):


All other indicators are working properly...so problem seem to be only on PERM.

Is it a bug? how can we fix it?

in openLCA by (740 points)

1 Answer

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by (123k points)
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Best answer
Thank you for reporting this, it looks indeed wrong. We'll investigate and come back.Fixing it yourself is not easy, it seems the PERM tracer flow is not added in the processes where it should be added. Fixing it on our end should not take long though. Thank you again.
by (740 points)
thanks! we wait for your feedback