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Hello all,

We use electricity that has been greened by our supplier (Germany) by means of Renewable Energy Certificates.

Can I therefore use a corresponding green power supply from Ecoinvent in my LCA?

Kind regards

in Miscellaneous by (140 points)

1 Answer

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by (190 points)
According to the ISO 14064-1:2018 Annex E "Treatment of Electricity" paragraph E.2.2. if you full fill the 5 criteria listed, you could use the Market-base method to report the GWP instead of the Location-based (Location-based = grid average without taking in to account the real energy mix of the Guaranties of Origin from RESs //// Market-base = the real mix based on the Guaranties of Origin). You have to ask your electric energy supplier for the Guaranties analysis to know exactly the % of wind, % of hydro, % solar % other RESs in your ref. period mix). So then you have to model the exact mix.

This is also applicable when reporting by the GHG protocol Methodology see https://ghgprotocol.org/scope-3-technical-calculation-guidance

In the LCAs you can recall the above methods, but first check the PCRs for further guidance (some PCRs might have specific rules on that).