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im trying to automatically calculate productsystems using the olca IPC without using the openLCA GUI. Currently i am calculating several productsystems(life cycle stages) which i want to combine to a single productsystem including all life cycle stages.

Is there a way in python to not only export the calculation results as an excel but also convert them to a LCI result (system process) for later use?
I am basically looking for a python alternative for the "Save as LCI result" button.

Thank you
in openLCA by (120 points)

1 Answer

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by (5.3k points)
I think the only way you could do this is sort of manually - use SimleResult.lci_inputs.to_json() and SimpleResult.lci_inputs.to_json() to capture the inputs and outputs and read them back in to a new process created through the IPC.

There's probably a more streamlined approach using the built-in python tool, but that's beyond my abilities.