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Hi all,

I am trying to import the Environmental Footprint (EF3.0) reference package provided by the European Commission from this link:




May I know how I can check if the import into openLCA is successful? My only indication that it may have failed, is that the normalisation and weighting factors included in the package does not seem to show up in my openLCA...

Thanks for your help!



in openLCA by (140 points)

1 Answer

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by (129k points)
Hi, you get error messages from the import if something goes wrong (and openLCA is aware of that), these are saved in the log file. In openLCA 2, you get a summary of the import. EF3 ILCD typically is not working nicely in openLCA 1.11 e.g. because the exchange locations are understood only in openLCA 2.

You can also run a database validation after the import, to spot issues.
by (140 points)
edited by
Hi Andreas, thanks! I have given it a go in openLCA 2.0, and it seemed to have worked. However, there are only a selected list of impact categories with the EF3 ILCD reference package (not the full list of 16 impact categories). The ones I have are:

Ecotoxicity, freshwater_inorganics - 2017
Human toxicity, cancer - 2018
Human toxicity, non-cancer - 2018
Human toxicity, cancer_metals - 2018
Human toxicity, non-cancer_inorganics - 2018
Ecotoxicity, freshwater_organics - 2017
Climate change-Biogenic - 2017
Ecotoxicity, freshwater_metals - 2017
Human toxicity, cancer_organics - 2018
Human toxicity, non-cancer_organics - 2018
Eutrophication, freshwater - 2017
Resource use, fossils - 2017
Climate change-Fossil - 2017
Climate change-Land use and land use change - 2017

Not sure if that was your experience too?