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Dear Community,

I want to include in my LCA some items made of stainless steel (like a fork). But I do not know which process fits the best, because "outside air intake, stainless steel, DN 370" and "selective coat, stainless steel sheet, black chrome" are not related to items. Could you advise me on this ?

Best regards,

in Miscellaneous by (490 points)

1 Answer

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by (490 points)
Best answer
So I found out that it is a Fe-Cr alloy, so "steel, chromium steel 18/8, hot rolled" fits well.
by (100 points)
Ah ok, but you do not account for cold rolling then ?

Cold rolling plants demand also :
- Picking processes (=> waste treatment).
- Rolling process (electricity but ok compare to EAF...)
- Annealing furnace (1000°C on 100meters with NG fuel in direct heating process).

Ecoinvent have not any process for stainless steel production (from extraction to service centers) ?
For that, i will personnaly use :
"market for steel, chromium steel 18/8 | steel, chromium steel 18/8 | APOS, U"