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I am little bit confused about the market process of a flow. In some descriptions I have read that the market process calculates the emissions from the gate of the facility that makes/sell the product to the customer.

That is clear that the market process does not include the production of this product. Is that a given for all the flows?

Does this mean that I must put both the production process and market process for a flow If I want to calculate from cradle to gate and then transporation?

Thank you for your time.
in openLCA by (870 points)

1 Answer

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by (131k points)

Hi Giannis,

I guess you refer to ecoinvent - in ecoinvent, the market processes are just mix processes, plus transport effort. You see that input in a market process are products from specific production, according to a modeled market share. These specific production processes link to their production supply chain, and thus this is considered when you include the entire supply chain.


Does this mean that I must put both the production process and market process for a flow If I want to calculate from cradle to gate and then transporation?

(you guessed maybe now:) no. Use either the market process (for a generic production) or a specific production process. The market process includes the entire transport effort, the specific production process does not, so you will need to add transportation if you go for the specific production.

Best wishes,

