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Hello everybody

I am new to OpenLCA and I tried a very basic exemple so that to check whether I could compute an inventory. So I created a dummy Process "Product X" and its "Product X" related reference flow. I decided to add a transportation so I added "transport" wich is precisely the name of the reference flow of the upstream module i inserted in my Product X system "articulated lorry transport Euro 4, 20 26 T" . However in the graphic view, I cannot see my infllow (transport as an inflow of product X) and cannot make the connection.

A separate problem by the way:

On another example I tried, I computed the GhG using the IPPC 2013 But despite of the computation on an existing model - and though the amount of several contributing flows in the inventory were taken into account, there was nothing for the GhG LCIA results.

Any idea regarding both problems?

Thank you for your help.

in openLCA by (170 points)

1 Answer

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by (124k points)

Hello Jean-Michel,

welcome - maybe you created an elementary flow, not a product flow? Elementary flows (with a leaf in the icon) cannot be used for connecting processes and are not shown in the graph.

GHG: This is difficult to understand from the outside,

though the amount of several contributing flows in the inventory were taken into account, there was nothing for the GhG LCIA results

can you maybe post a screenshot, e.g. of the LCIA analysis?

by (170 points)
Hello Andreas,
Thank you for your answer.
It finaly worked when I reopened the database, the flow showed up. Maybe it was due to the refreshment of the dtb (though I had checked it was saved). The flow was not an elementary flow, and I did not changed it before it was eventualy displayed as an input;

However concerning the second problem with IPCC 2013, there are quantities in CO2 to air, CH4 to air etc...these quantities are calculated in the LCI, but 0 in the impact assesment part. I cant explain it- whether it is a bug, my computer, a wrong method ...or a wrong user ;0)

Thank you,
