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Firstly, my openlca program does not appear with the "Restore Database" option. Secondly, for the LCA of the production of biodiesel from palm oil, I have downloaded the BioEnergieDat, Ecoinvent and IMPACT World+. But none of them was compatible to be extracted to the database created in openlca. It's an urgent query as I need to perform the LCA for my dissertation project. Thank you.
in openLCA by (160 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
by (131k points)

Hello, the restore function is now simply called new database, from file

I do not understand "But none of them was compatible to be extracted to the database created in openlca" - you created a database and tried to import these into it? As bioenergiedat e.g. is really old, importing it is more complicated than restoring it (recreating from file).

Good luck for your urgent dissertation!


by (160 points)
Hi, I have tried to download from other browsers like Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome but still downloaded as zipped folder. Please guide me on this. Otherwise, can you help to suggest the suitable database with information for the LCA study for biodiesel production from integrated palm oil mills? Thank you.
0 votes
by (160 points)

Hi. Thank you for clarifying on the "Restore Database" function. I have downloaded the BioEnergieDat, Ecoinvent and IMPACT World+. As for these databases, they were downloaded as the zipped folder which does not appear for extraction when we selected the option "From file..." option. That's why I have stated them as not compatible. Hope you can advise further on this matter. In the meantime, can you suggest the suitable database with information for the LCA study for biodiesel production from integrated palm oil mills? Thank you
