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After I imported the database from the USLCI website (linked below), everything was uploaded correctly except for the unit groups. They loaded as these weird phantom unit groups, and every time I run the validation it gives me an error saying that no units exist.

impact factor with invalid flow property or unit; flow=178319 property=0 unit=57

As well s when I try to calculate it a similar error pops up in the logs:

java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: null

So I guess, I am not exactly sure how to fix it or where to go from here. I thought about going through all of the unit groups reassigning them, and remapping them but that seems like a large amount of legwork for something that I think already exists somewhere. Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks so much!


in openLCA by (120 points)
reopened by

2 Answers

0 votes
by (123k points)
Yes there are some issues in the published databases, this is not an openLCA issue typically. We spent quite some time to correct the different repositories and databases, these are in the databases on Nexus.
0 votes
by (200 points)

My colleague and I experienced a similar problem while updating our DB with USLCI2024Q2, but only for those flows we had added a conversion factor (e.g., combustion of fossil fuels, measured as volume, so we could use it based on their energy output), and only in the processes we had created. If your problem is restricted to the same situation, we were able to fix it by:

1) Saving our processes.

2) Importing USLCI2024Q2 to our working database, overwriting all existing datasets.

3) Importing our processes, also overwriting all existing datasets.

I hope it helps, but if now, I would also appreciate knowing it did not.

Best of luck,
