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Dear All, 

At the PEFCR page Single Market for Green Products - The Product Environmental Footprint Pilots - Environment - European Commission (europa.eu) are present different LCI regarding leather: 

PEFCR Leather Automotive_RP Excel_v1.0

PEFCR Leather Footwear_RP Excel_v1.0

PEFCR Leather Garments_RP Excel_v1.0

PEFCR Leather Sole_RP Excel_v1.0

It is indicated in the excel sheets that the data was made by Blonk consultant and converted By GreenDelta. However, the link to the node : https://eplca.jrc.ec.europa.eu/EF-node/index.xhtml?stock=EF2_0_representative_products does not lead to any data. 

I conclude that the concerned data do exist under OpenLCA format. However I could not find them. You help on this matter would be very helpful. 

Thank you, 

Jean-Michel Hébert 

in openLCA by (160 points)

1 Answer

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by (130k points)
Hello Jean-Michel,

yes that is correct, we have these models and data, but must not share them by order of the EC. Sorry. And evidently it would be worthwhile to discuss why the JRC / EC LCA activities are not really fostering open data and also open source software, but that is another story.

Best wishes,


- maybe they have been updated to EF3 with a different link, but I did not check now