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Hi all,

Let me briefly introduce myself: my name is Hajo Rijgersberg, a researcher at Wageningen University and Research, the Netherlands. Currently I'm involved in a project on making palm oil and cocoa production more sustainable in Colombia, OrinoquĂ­a, with a focus on smallholder farms.

My question is: is smallholder information available in openLCA for the specific value chains?

Many thanks in advance for your response.

Best, Hajo Rijgersberg (WUR)
in openLCA by (120 points)

1 Answer

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by (130k points)
Hi Hajo, welcome, this is however as if asking if in firefox, information about smallholders is available. openLCA is an open source software, distributed without any database, and various databases for openLCA are available at openLCA Nexus: https://nexus.openlca.org/databases.You can also explore on that site. Best wishes, Andreas
by (120 points)
Hi Andreas, thanx for your answer! :)  I did mean these databases that you refer to. I have searched on variations of the term 'smallholder' but couldn't find much.  But I will contact these databases separately, Thanx once again! Best, Hajo