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I am currently involved in an LCA and i use the Ecoinvent 391 EN15804 Add-on database. I am trying to find more information for the processes that i have. More specific, i am trying to find who made these processes (maybe a name). Do you know how i can find such information?

I am waiting for your response. Thank you a lot!
in openLCA by (200 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
by (8.4k points)
Hello evaggelia

In each process there is a link to the ecoquery article about the process. The link is typically at the end of the description, under the general information tab when you are looking at a process.

If you go to the ecoquery link for the process, you will be able to see who has updated and created the dataset, who was reviewed it, and when. You will need to login with a login you got when buying the database.

Good luck.
0 votes
by (3.8k points)
Hi Evaggelia,

you will find this information in the process itself within the process tab "administrative information". You can have a look also in the manual: https://greendelta.github.io/openLCA2-manual/processes/process_tab_content.html