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Is it possible to have access to cost data for a certain flow in the EcoInvent database on OpenLCA?

Thank you.
in openLCA by (350 points)

1 Answer

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by (129k points)
yes, sure, these are contained in the versions we distribute for openLCA.
by (350 points)
Hi Andreas,

Thank you for your answer.

Great, so it is possible. But how can I have access to cost databases for a certain process ? For example, if I want to know the cost of caustic soda modeled in the EcoInvent database 3.8, how can I have access to that cost value ?

I see that I can manually do that, but I want to know if EcoInvent 3.8 on OpenLCA has already a cost database that is already modeled (with their cost value.) If yes, how can I have access to that information ?

Thank you in advance for your answer,
