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i moved my modelled foreground system in ecoinvent 3.8 to an new ecoinvent 3.10 database using the JSON-LD export/import feature. While checking if the update was successfull, i noticed that in every dataset i created or modified as part of my foreground system the originally selected and set providers are missing for the input and output flows. I doublechecked and i'm pretty sure i did the export/import according to the recommended procedure from the"Guideline to update user models" from nexus.

I also noticed while checking some of the ecoinvent datasets i used in my models that it appiers like up until 3.8 the processes had the same UUID and from 3.9 onwards the UUID changed every version. For example the process "chemical factory construction, organics | chemical factory, organics | Cutoff, U - RER" had the same UUID in ecoinvent 3.7 and 3.8, but in 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11 the process has different UUIDs in each version. Is the a valid observation or are my databases corrupt?

Is there anything that can be done about this or do i have to reselect every provider in my foreground system manually?


in openLCA by (220 points)

1 Answer

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by (8.1k points)
It is correct that the processes have different UUIDs. I would simply export the foreground (your own created processes) and import them into the new database version. When you click "Check linking properties" you can see your own modeled exchanges that have missing default providers and you click on them to directly jump into that process and set the provider there.

Of course, if you have a lot of exchanges in the foreground, it may take a bit to set all provider again. But the advantage is that you also have a double check for yourself, that all default provider are set correctly and that you can directly verify, which ones are maybe removed or for which ones you you have maybe a better matching provider in the newer version. You only have to set them once and afterwards you can copy your own processes between different databases and different models / projects of the same version, where the provider will be kept once they are set.

There is also the possibility to use a script to set the same provider automatically again, but I personally prefer to double check all linkings from the foreground to the background data in each new ecoinvent version.

PS: We have already released ecoinvent 3.11 that you can download and use in case you have still a valid license.
ago by (220 points)
Thank you for the reply!

Is there any chance that this can be adressed and solved in the future? Or is that a change ecoinvent (intentionally) made? I'd say from a logic or data management standpoint it just makes sense to keep the same the UUIDs for existing processes that are carried over to new database versions without major changes.