0 votes

I exported my process through the excel export (from java code), and then re-imported it to openLCA software.

I  noticed that the default providers set were not re-imported, which leads to differences linking while creating the product system from this process and calculates impacts.

Can you indicate if it's possible to export this default providers and how (i'm doing it from java code not from the ui)?

I chose excel export because it's lighter than the json ld files.

Thanks for helping,

in openLCA by (200 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
by (130k points)
Hi Caroline, I guess you need to provide more details here; how do you export "from Java code"?

Thank you, Andreas
by (200 points)

Sorry, i use the olca modules to perform calculation and export file from my java application.
My java application, following data entered by users, build a product system (and processes whit default providers) then i whant to export it to a file that users can reimport to openlca software to inspect the links and modify things.
 As the product system is not exported from excel, users need to create it manually from openlca from the processes exported through the excel file. But the problem is when i use the excel export, the default providers set for my processes are not exported.

Here is what i do

final ProductSystem system = olcaDatabaseService.getProductSystemDao(dbForCurrentCalculation).getForRefId(refId);//the product system created from my java application
final List<ProcessDescriptor> processesToExport = Arrays.asList( Descriptors.toDescriptor(system.referenceProcess));
 final File excelFile = new File(excelPath);
 final ExcelExport excelExport = new ExcelExport(excelFile, db, processesToExport );

In the excel export, the default providers set (for the processesToExport ) are  not present, and while i re import it to openLca sofware, the information is lost.

Can we export this info (default provider) to the excel export and how?
Otherwise, how can i do it?
I tried the jsonld esport but the export file is very big...and generation take a while

Thank you for your help,

0 votes
by (200 points)

Sorry, i use the olca modules to perform calculation and export file from my java application.
My java application, following data entered by users, build a product system (and processes whit default providers) then i whant to export it to a file that users can reimport to openlca software to inspect the links and modify things.
 As the product system is not exported from excel, users need to create it manually from openlca from the processes exported through the excel file. But the problem is when i use the excel export, the default providers set for my processes are not exported.

Here is what i do

final ProductSystem system = olcaDatabaseService.getProductSystemDao(dbForCurrentCalculation).getForRefId(refId);//the product system created from my java application
final List<ProcessDescriptor> processesToExport = Arrays.asList( Descriptors.toDescriptor(system.referenceProcess));
 final File excelFile = new File(excelPath);
 final ExcelExport excelExport = new ExcelExport(excelFile, db, processesToExport );

In the excel export, the default providers set (for the processesToExport ) are  not present, and while i re import it to openLca sofware, the information is lost.

Can we export this info (default provider) to the excel export and how?
Otherwise, how can i do it?
I tried the jsonld esport but the export file is very big...and generation take a while

Thank you for your help,

