Thank you both for your quick answers. I now understand that the output of the sorting process cannot be the single streams of each plastic type but has to be a generic flow representing the sorted waste. The definition of the single streams will be represented by their end of life in process 2-x.
However, even with this change in my project, I am still able to create the desired chain of processes for some reason. I have tried defining the flows of mixed plastic waste sorted and unsorted as product and waste but neither worked. (I would like to attach pictures of the processes that I created but for some reason, when I do, I get the error message that my message exceeds 12000 characters).
When I try to create a product system out of this chain of processes, I receive the following error: "No process with valid reference product output or waste input selected".
By reading some previous posts, I could see that processes need at least one output that is not an avoided product. When I add a random product to the process, it seems that I can create the desired product system. However, in the case of an end-of-life process, I would not expect any product.
What would you recommend in this case ?
Thank you!