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I am using openLCA version 2.0.0. and I recently combined my existing database with an Add-on. For a while, it was working fine, but then it started collapsing after I try to calculate the impacts from the product system.

I have allocated more memory to it (10GB) but nothing has changed. Also, log level is set to information.

Tried figuring out the problem from the log file but nothing seems unusual. I found from the "Share views" option that there are multiple problems with the following cause 

An error has occurred. See error log for more details.

Cannot invoke "org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageDescriptor.createImage()" because "desc" is null

What can I do to fix this?

Thank you!

in openLCA by (160 points)

1 Answer

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by (130k points)

Thank you - first, it would be interesting to see what the logfile tells about this, search for "caused by" and ideally post this here.


I recently combined my existing database with an Add-on

could you explain? How big are your product systems? You see this under statistics. Thank you. Could be that you are combining e.g. two ecoinvent databases and have huge product systems as a result, where even 10GB are not sufficient. Third, try if indeed the memory is available (in task manager e.g.).

Thank you!


by (130k points)
Thank you. Your product system is not very large, you did not post a section with "caused by" from the log file though. What I see is that you are using the default libraries for the calculation (Umfpack = false, Umfpack is not loaded) which are really slow, you should download the fast libraries (click on "you can make openLCA faster" in the welcome page), but this does not affect the crash. Is the database valid at all (click on validate database)?