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I'm trying to calculate the results for a product system by selecting the following options:

  • Allocation method - None;
  • Impact assessment method - ReCiPe Midpoint (I) / ReCiPe 2016 Endpoint (I);
  • Calculation type - Quick results / Analysis;
  • Include cost calculation and Assess data quality.

Well, the results are always a list of zeros for every item in the LCI.
I've already tried to do the following actions to solve the problem, however I didn't have any success:

  • Increased the maximal memory to 5000 MB;
  • Validated the database (it returned back with zero errors);
  • Opened the SQL editor and executed the query: select p.ref_id, p.name from tbl_processes p inner join tbl_exchanges e on p.id = e.f_owner where e.id = 7484497 (got the reference ID and the name of the process where the exchange occurred and searched for it, opened the process and didn't find any error message with more details or a warning popup).

The openLCA version I'm working on is 1.11.0.

Thank you very much for all the help.

Best regards,
Beatriz Teixeira

in openLCA by (200 points)
by (200 points)
Because the message that appears says the following:
"An internal error occurred
Formula evaluation failed, exchange 44748916
See the log file (under Help) for further information."

1 Answer

0 votes
by (130k points)

Thank you, I think I understand now. So there is a wrong formula in the exchange 44748916. You can try select*from tbl_exchanges where id = 44748916, this will show you the whole "dataset" (i.e. line) from the exchanges table, including the formula. f_owner in the exchanges table is the reference to the process.

by (200 points)
Thank you very much for your help.