0 votes

It only shows the main process without any other processes conected, and with zero values in its box.


in openLCA by (120 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
by (190 points)

I think these things are wrong. Not reliable at all. As far as possible, you should calculate the costs manually.
by (120 points)
edited by
Hi, I'm not relying on the ecoinvent costs, i'm making my own. My question is about the graphical representation of the cost categories.
0 votes
by (129k points)
Hi Lucio,

probably, there are no more cost figures, and thus the diagram also does not show more. Check e.g. the cost results in other editors.

Somewhat related, we are currently checking, it seems that in the ecoinvent databases, mostly only revenues are provided, since some time, and not the costs (on the input side of processes) - while of course these costs are rough estimates it is maybe still good to have them and we will re-introduce them in a next release.

Best wishes,

by (120 points)
Thank you Andreas,

yes, with the v 2.0.2, I can distinguish between direct and upstream cost in the contribution tree, it's fine.