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Dear all,

I want to ask the data that I have to enter within the program regarding forages, for example corn soybeans etc., should I enter the value Talquale or in dry matter?

Thank you
in openLCA by (120 points)

1 Answer

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by (8.4k points)
Hello emilio.sabia.

I am confused about your question, but i will try to give you some kind of answer regardless.

In most process descriptions the output of the process is described. This covers e.g. the moisture level of the product, the unit of the product, and the treatment processes included in the process.If you dive into the description of your supplying process, you will find information about the output, that can help you determine how you should measure it.  

I hope i have answered your question. Out of curiosity, what is Talquale? It was not possible to find this unit on google.

Best of luck
by (8.4k points)
Hello Emilio,
First off, im just a user, not a paid support.
Secondly, ive been tracking the documentation chain of the process for sweet corn. It seems there is no available information on the moisture content. This is sometimes the case. I would do a sensitivity analysis to determine if the matter has a great impact on the total results. If it does, then either try to contact the developer of the dataset, or model with an average moisture content and write it as a weakness of the study. Not much else that you can do.
Good luck.