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Hi everyone, 

It's my first post here and I'm sure it's a basic question so I hope to find some help ... please allow me to explain:

  • Process Input:
    • 1 kg of finished product (containing in the downstream process: 0.836 kg of food and 0.164 kg of packaging)
    • X kWh of electricity
  • Process output
    • 0.836 kg of food product eaten (net weight)
    • 0.164 kg of scrap packaging (waste)

I want to calculate the impact over 1kg of product Net Weight (Net Weight = food only, without the packaging). This way, I can calculate the impact of our product, no matter which size we sell it: 500g, 100g … I just have to multiply my result by the product size.

 Therefore, my question is: in the product system, should I calculate my results with a target amount of 1kg? Or target amount of 0.836 kg?

I did it with a target amount of 1kg and I obtained 1.9 kgCO2e. Does it mean that for this product that we sell in 500g Net Weight, the impact is 0.95 kgCO2e? And that this impact is also accounting for the impact of the packaging?

 Thank you very much for taking the time to read me.

in Miscellaneous by (590 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (8.4k points)
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Best answer
Hello Pablo,

Yes, you have done the calculation correctly. The target amount of 1 kg refers to the netto weight of the reference flow, in this case the food product.

You will also see when you analyse the product system, that the packaging is included in the results.

Good job, and i hope the results are useful.
by (590 points)
Hi Matias,

Awesome, thank you very much for your answer!