0 votes

This is a single process where only many inputs and one output were defined. However, when analyzing the results in those that involve weight in kg, the required quantity does not coincide with the entry referenced in the model. Do you know why it is? Why don't they match?

Thanks for any help!

in openLCA by (120 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
by (131k points)
The numbers are a bit small but you have 0.00548 kg of your process product, and the process shows everything (I am assuming) per 1 kg? And then you have some inputs in gram, not kg? So it is, for PP granulate, 0.00548*11.7/1000?
0 votes
by (8.6k points)
edited by
The symbol "gr" is the unit of grain, equal to 0.00006479891 kg (kilogram).

The symbol "g" is the unit of gram, equal to 0.001 kg (kilogram).
0 votes
by (450 points)
Hello, Did you find any solution to this discrepancies in REQUIRED AMOUNT in contributory tree and TRUE AMOUNT in input?

I am experiencing the same as well.