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The impact results show that one of the biggest impacts is the production of synthetic fuel, coal, high temperature Fisher-Tropsch operations | propylene | Cutoff, U - ZA. I am comparing two different cases, where one polypropylene production is RER and the other RoW due to manufacturing in different places (Europe and South America). Why the polypropylene production - RER shows high amount of synthetic fuel production?

I'm using ecoinvent - CML v4.8 2016
in openLCA by (140 points)

1 Answer

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by (8.4k points)
This process produces propylene, a principal ingredient in polypropylene. The name of a process is divided into four parts, seperated by either a vertical line or a dash:

1: The process - how is the flow created.

2: The flow - what is produced by the process.

3: The database type, and process type. S processes are LCI versions of U processes.

4: The geographical scope of the process.

I hope this helps, and explains why propylene is of such high impact in your product system.
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