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I am facing a problem when I am trying to use the python script in OpenLCA, as described in PSILCA handbook pp. 104-105 (https://psilca.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/PSILCA_documentation_v3.pdf).
When I press "Run", an error pops up saying "An internal error occured failed execute script See the log file (under Help) for further information".
I checked the log file but I didn't find an error.
Do hane any idea on how I can fix it?
I want to use it in SOCA database.
Thank you :)
in openLCA by (330 points)

1 Answer

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by (130k points)
Hi Angie, indeed, this is because the openLCA calculation model has changed a bit in latest versions of openLCA, and thus the older script does not work any more. We we a test version which does the direct and also activity variable calculation without script and will release this soon. Thank you for your patience.