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Hallo, I recently imported a database provided by the FHWA (Federal Highway Administration) and I am facing technical issues since. When I use the "Direct calculation" function in a process, OpenLCA crashes. Any idea how to fix it? (The issue might be unrelated to the database, it could also be me). Many thanks and kind regards, Elke
in openLCA by (120 points)

1 Answer

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by (130k points)
Hi, could be that the database is not valid. There was an issue with some of the repositories provided by LCACommons for the previous release, we have revised them and this is the LCACommons database from Nexus (and shared this with USDA as well), the idea was to fix some issues in the official datasets but I am not aware now whether this has done, with the most recent release. We again will make an adapted version for openLCA from this (currently under way). You could validate the database, the validation could show issues in the database. Thank you.