Hello monikuntala,
Ecocosts should be calculated with a separate LCIA method, assuming you mean eco-costs and not life cycle costs.
Following LCIA methods can be used to calculate eco-costs:
- Environmental prices (Based on dutch pricing - should be weighted to show prices, as far as i can see in this documentation
- If you insist on using ReCiPe, then the endpoint categories also have some impacts describes in $.
- Calculate it yourself from other sources, such as this one:
https://www.ecocostsvalue.com/ecocosts/eco-costs-emissions/ - this has an eco-cost per 1000 kg of CO2 e.g. of 116 euro.
Best of luck, and please remember that this forum is answered half by staff and half by people that work with LCA professionally, all of whom have other tasks as well. You cannot always expect a fast response.