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Im having doubts using "market for..." as a provider in most of my items in the inventory, because im not sure how it accounts the distance between point A to point B. Does the location row matters at all?, how do you do it?, for example we have some item in the inventory at is has a market for... RoW or CN, the transportation that it utilizes to make the calculation is from which point to what?

in openLCA by (240 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (3.3k points)
you can add or adjust the distance for transportation. Row mean rest of the world (non eu)
by (8.6k points)
Small correction that RoW is not always non-EU. This location is variable and depends on the activities. If there is an activity with data only from China (CN), the RoW data set will represent the "Rest of the World" (without China and including the EU and all the rest) which is a different "location" for other activities where the EU might be excluded in RoW (because EU-specific data exists).
by (240 points)
ok, thanks, and what you think is the corret way to add or adjust the distance in openlca?, does the information you put in "location" matters at all?

Edit: do you have to modify the value in the "market for..." provider for each item on the inventory?, or is here a faster way to do it?

by (3.3k points)
Thanks for the correction!

@RMO what process are you looking at? Usually the best way would be to make your own transportation activity and then set the provider in each step to this custom transportation provider.
by (8.6k points)
The information that you put in the location of processes  matters for documentation, to know where the process was modelled and to later see on a world map the hotspots for regions/countries where your emissions are coming from. It is important that you choose the right providers from the right locations for your exchanges. But changing the location of a process "only" changes its documentation but not the results.
by (240 points)
oh ok, i thought something similar, because it didnt change anything in the results, thank you!
by (240 points)
Im modelling an osmosis reverse plant, the process and the construction of the plant, so its actually a long inventory with different providers, but i think the most accurate way to do it, is by making my own transportation activites as you say.