I'm working on an EPD about concrete and I don't understand the modelisation of the end of life of concrete. 25% of the concrete is buried in the ground and 75% is recycled, let's say 25kg of concrete is buried and 75kg of concrete is recycled.
I used the flow "market for inert material landfill" to modelise the 25kg of concrete buried but in the results, I can't find for the indicator "waste - non-hazardous" the mass of concrete that is buried. Instead, I have a small value that is obviously not correct. Do I really have to link the mass of concrete to a flow, or can I just add in my EPD in the box "C4 waste non hazardous" : 25 kg and suppose that the market for inert material landfill is relative to the construction of the structure where concrete will be buried ?
For the recycled concrete, I have the same question but with a different flow. I used the flow "treatment of waste concrete, not reinforced, recycling" but I also have a very small value that is not corresponding to the recycling of 75kg of concrete. Is it the same reflexion ? Do I just have to add in the box "C4 output flows - materials for recycling" : 75kg and suppose that the flow "treatment of waste concrete, not reinforced, recycling" is for the action of recycling concrete ?
I'm sorry ,I'm a bit confused and I hope you'll understand my questions !