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I have an important issue in assessing an organization's carbon footprint.

They only have available the amount of purchased meat (beef, pork, chicken) that has already been slaughtered.

They process it and deliver it to distribution points.

They do not have data regarding the slaughterhouses from which the meat arrives so it is not possible to estimate related emissions.

I would need data from the farm to the gate of the organization that processes the meat.

Thank you very much to those who can help.
in openLCA by (820 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
by (130k points)
So if only the slaughterhouses are scope 3 and not the meat, then you need to add generic data for the slaughterhouses (if this was your question).
0 votes
by (820 points)

I need to evaluate meat purchased by the processing center.

I think I need farming and nursing of beefs or pigs or veals then I need to add emissions of

  1. transport form farm to slaughterhouse
  2. slaughterhouse and preserving of half beefs or other animals (comprise chilling and waste treatment)
  3. transport from slaughterhouse to processing center.
Iso 14064-1 requires to evaluate this impact. Is it right?
But the organization does not have information regarding farms and slaughterhouse, they only have quantity of different kinds of meat.
If I apply Agribalyse I can evaluate impacts but data are available for Franche market.
Thanks in advance