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Per ISO 14067, dLUC shall be documented separately in a PCF report like biogenic emissions. I see ecoinvent LCI provides LUC (mostly direct) and LU and I could see land use impacts by openLCA method under some categories such as carbon dioxide, land transformation, and methane, from soil or biomass stock. My question is how we can those impacts between dLUC and LU? Thank you in advance.
in openLCA by (190 points)

1 Answer

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by (190 points)
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Best answer
Emissions from soil or biomass stock are relevant to "land use" per ISO 14067.

Emissions from land transformation can be counted as the emissions of "dLUC" because usually land occupation and transformation have been used instead of land use and land use change in many emission inventory documents.
by (190 points)
Thank you for checking it!!