+1 vote


I'm new to OpenLCA (and LCA in general) and would like to ask some beginner questions on the integration of the Exiobase 3.8.2 (2019) database into OpenLCA.

Can you provide me instructions on how to get access to the database (if a launcher is needed or not) and how to use the OpenLCA in order to get emission factors in kgCO2/€ for specific materials in generic locations (Europe, America, Asia, Middle East, Africa) following the EN15804 standard?

Thank you for helping me!

in openLCA by (180 points)

1 Answer

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by (123k points)
Hi Alessio, I would say these are two questions, yes for exiobase a launcher is needed, and for getting CO2 eq. results over the life cycle following hte EN15804 standard, you can use the EN15804 add-on and the respective method in this database, or maybe also exiobase if you use the LCIA method that is suited for EN15804 (especially, biogenic carbon uptake reduces the CO2 eq.). How exactly the CO values in exiobase are obtained is not nicely documented though I would say.

I hope this helps, best wishes, Andreas
by (180 points)
edited by
Hi Andreas,
thanks a lot for your quick answer.

Could I ask you to provide specific instructions about the tool I need to buy (launcher + add-on) and the task I have to do in order to get emission factors in kgCO2/€ following the EN15804? I see the EN 15804 add-on but it seems referred to the Ecoinvent Database and not Exiobase one.

Thanks a lot,