+3 votes

I'm trying to use Exiobase 3.8.2 in openLCA 2.2.

I use a Macbook Pro M2 max with 64Gb ram but everytime I try to run a calculation I receive an error regarding allocation of memory.

I tried 16 Gb and then 48Gb but the error remains.

in openLCA by (820 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
by (131k points)
What do you want to do? For these IO databases, you should not make product systems but use the direct calculation. Then check whether you have indeed allocated the memory (and that this is not prevented by user rights / Apple -> there are some post how to do it / ...). Thanks!
0 votes
by (820 points)

I'm trying to perform direct calculation but I does not work because of memory allocation.

I changed allocation from default to 16Gb, 32 Gb and 48 Gb but nothing happened.
by (8.6k points)
I use MacOS, too, without any issues. Maybe your system rights for MacOS don't allow the software to change the settings. I don't know this problem, but I heard that it can be possible. You can check right-click openLCA.app "show package contents", click on "contents", click on "eclipse" and open/edit the openLCA.ini. You will find their the allocated RAM storage, for example "-Xmx32768M".
0 votes
by (820 points)


I find these information regarding memory allocation

  • Native Applications: Mac Sonoma (macOS) adjusts the amount of memory allocated to native applications automatically. You don’t need to manually set an application’s memory size.
  • No Manual Configuration: Unlike older Mac OS versions (9 and earlier), Mac Sonoma (macOS) does not allow manual memory configuration for applications. Applications decide how much RAM to use based on their own requirements.
  • Virtual Memory: When physical RAM (real memory) is exhausted, Mac Sonoma (macOS) uses virtual memory (hard drive storage) to supplement memory needs. This ensures that applications can continue running even when physical RAM is limited.
by (131k points)
I'd recommend you follow Conrad's advice above, thank you!