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I am making an EPD for food for sheep and goats using PCR 2016:03 Preparations used in animal feeding for food-producing animals

I am using ecoinvent 3.9.1 in openLCA but I cannot find the right impact assessment method.

Can you help me to pick the right one?

in Miscellaneous by (870 points)

1 Answer

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by (131k points)
I guess you refer to this https://environdec.com/resources/indicators as the "right" impact assessment method? These indicators should be provided in the EN15804 method we have in the EN15804 add-on database. Since you are evidently not in construction though with your EPD, you do not need the EN15804-specific indicators (Output flows etc., at the bottom of the page), and you can build your method by combining the different impact categories that we are providing in the openLCA method pack, e.g. using CML resources etc.. Just create a new method and copy the respective categories there.

Hope this helps, Andreas