0 votes

I'd like to use the D module formula for 15804+A2 standard which is :

Msval*R*(ISval-IVval). I've created each of this flow, but how to multiply or substract flow each other. I've already looked is the forum but nothing useful.

And yes, I've already modelled the whole product aside and then I whant to add D module.

Any how to proceed please?


in openLCA by (250 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (131k points)

Hi Thomas, quite a timely question, we are currently writing a whitepaper on module D for EPD modelling, it should be out in September.

So in the standard, it is this formula I assume

So net recycled output (out - in) multiplied with the net impact gains (impact recycled - impact virgin, multiplied with a potential quality ratio recycled to substituted). You implement this by linking processes with their impacts to E, and the flows to M.

Best wishes,

