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I have come back to a project that I left a few days ago without committing to the server. I know I should commit regularly but the datasets were unfinished and I wanted to complete them before committing. Of course I have saved everything locally. Now, when opening openLCA, none of the recent changes are visible. I tried to pull and stash from the repository, hoping this would display the differences between my (previous) local database version and the repository and ask me which ones to keep. I thought I was not seeing my recent work because I was connected to the repository where it was not uploaded to. Pulling did not display a stash dialogue but asked me to apply or discard the stash right away, so I cancelled the process.

When going to repository ->-stash -> create, I merely find the empty subfolders of processes I created the other day, which I could then commit to the repository (empty). Why is this? I would expect the software/server to not silently overwrite local changes only because the database is connected to a repository but rather to keep a backup and ask me what to do with it. It seems like I have lost around 10 hours of modelling work....

Has anybody had similar issues or, even better, a dummy proof solution?
in LCA Collaboration Server by (250 points)
by (7.9k points)
I think what happened is, that you stashed all changes (put it in a stash commit) - can you still select "Stash/Apply"? - It would have been more easy to help, if you stayed in the direct email communication rather then going here directly...

1 Answer

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by (122k points)
Hi, sorry to hear of course - somehow though there is probably some information that is missing in your message, openLCA does not silently overwrite. I asked around here and it seems you were also in direct contact to our developers and they cannot reproduce. So maybe good to ask here in the forum if anybody else has experienced this too? Thank you all.