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We are going to purchase the hosting service for the collaboration server. Four different plans are possible to purchase, with different storage capacity, number of repositories etc. What is the storage used for? Only changes made to a database, or the entire database? For instance, some of the Ecoinvent databases that we use take up 2-3 GB in zolca format. Does that mean that we need at least 3 GB to be able to commit and fetch changes in models where we use these databases?
in LCA Collaboration Server by (240 points)

1 Answer

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by (8.9k points)
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In short: The size of the entire database is relevant.

When committing a database the datasets are converted to JSON-LD, these files are stored and the total size of them indicates the disk space usage. Normally the size of a repository including background data is 100 to 200 MB. This is when using unit process databases, which we strongly recommend.

Edit: In General users do not have issues with the size limitation, if using unit process databases. So more relevant is usually the amount of repositories and users, not the size of them.