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I am very new to the software and not really sure how to proceed.

I am running OpenLCA 2.1.1 with the ecoinvent v3.10 database. Whenever i try to calculate (Lazy/on-demand), my product system the program crashes with no error message whatsoever.

The calculation was working just fine and i seem to have made no changes to the product system at all.
in openLCA by (160 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (130k points)
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Best answer
Hi, this could be caused by a product system that has products with 0 amounts - we have improved handling of these situations in newer versions of openLCA, I recommend you download the latest version 2.3 and try again. Thank you!

Also, you could validate your database, maybe there are other issues, such as incorrect formulas. Thank you again.