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I am working on an LCA for biochar, cradle-to-gate. Does anyone have any recommendations on the best database/s to use for this project? Both free and paid?

in openLCA by (150 points)

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by (530 points)
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as far as I am concerned there is no commercially available dataset for biochar out there. A colleague of mine performed an LCA recently (10.1016/j.carbon.2024.119221) and compared her results with recent literature, so perhaps this is a starting point for you. Please let me know if you want to reach out for concact details.
by (150 points)
Thank you for your response, I really appreciate it! I would love the chance to contact your colleague if she is open to hearing from me. What is the best way to contact her? My email is murphygr@oregonstate.edu if it is easier to share that with her. Thanks again!