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Hi everyone,

I am having a lot of difficulty in joining up multiple processes that I have created into an overall process/system for study using openLCA. 

Essentially I have 4 systems - a cattle farm system (with biomass), a biorefinery, an anaerobic digestion system and a pig farm. I have tried to create input and output linkages (flows from one into the other as appropriate), however when I try to create a product system they don't automatically connect (or at least not in full). I have attempted to manually connect using the model graph (image above) but even then I don't seem to get the full flows of inputs and outputs into each individual process. I wonder if anyone has any tips for how I might do this or what I may be doing wrong?

The image is below.

Thanks for your help.

Image preview

in openLCA by (170 points)
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1 Answer

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by (7.8k points)

Hello Jamessustain,

In order to automatically link processes together, you could make sure that each of the inputs have a provider by checking the Input/Outputs page of the process (see picture attached).

What happens when you try to click and drag –let's say, an output flow– onto the corresponding input? Does the linking works? If it does not work, maybe the flows have the same name but are different datasets. You could check for duplicates by looking at the UUID of the flows.

For more information, check out the manual page about creating a product system.



by (170 points)
Thank you for your response Francois..I will review what you have suggested.