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Dear all,

I am sorry if this is a stupid question, but I have now tried to find out about this for some time and really don't get the following:

I understand that the EF 3.1 database is not built to combine it with any other database due to the general architecture of the overall EF methodology. However, 10% of the impact of a PEF study can be modelled with "ILCD entry level" compliant datasets (According to the methodology). Now, for me it is not clear, which datasets I could use for this and also how I would integrate them into the database. From what I understand to implement this I would have to import ILCD entry level datasets into the existing database.

From what I understand, the EF 3.1 database follows the ILCD system. So therefore, can I just import any ILCD format dataset without flow mapping into the EF 3.1 database or am I missing something here?

More information on the EF 3.1 structure is available here: https://eplca.jrc.ec.europa.eu/LCDN/developerEF.html

Note: What I have already managed to do is import the dataset for the Representative product for synthetic turf into the database which I sourced from the LCDN. The results match with the benchmarking values from the PEFCR in most impact categories, even without applying mapping. However it is originally modelled in the EF database therefore I am not sure if this means anything.

Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer!

All the best,


ago in openLCA by (260 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
ago by (3.3k points)
selected ago by
Best answer


no, it is a very good question. I just recreated your case and the synthetic turf, the only representative product yet, can be integrated into the EF 3.1 database without an issue as they share the same reference package. You can also use other datasets (<10% of the single score) if they are ILCD entry-level compliant (best case EF 3.1 compliant). Hence, those datasets can come from other sources than EF 3.1 DB. Just to clarify, ILCD is just a data format that which does not mean you can use it in the EF database as it might not holdy the ILCD references (flow's name). ILCD or EF compliance means you used the right flow names and also other aspects (documentation etc).

For synthetic turf, the values are not the same as reported in the PEFCR. It is not due to openLCA as you can see here: https://eplca.jrc.ec.europa.eu/EF-node/datasetdetail/process.xhtml?uuid=972cd3cd-25bf-4b70-96e9-eab4bed329f7&version=01.00.000&stock=EF3_1_background_processes. Unfortunately, the dataset comes without LCIA values. So, just by estimating the emitted carbon dioxide (fossil, CF = 1), 7.31 kg per m2a, the climate change for Repurposing of sports surfacing carpet – Avoided production of carpet manufacturing for landscaping applications; average product (https://eplca.jrc.ec.europa.eu/EF-node/datasetdetail/process.xhtml?uuid=972cd3cd-25bf-4b70-96e9-eab4bed329f7&version=01.00.000&stock=EF3_1_background_processes should be minimum 58.48 CO2 eq. kg for 8 m2a. The PEFCR tells us around 12 CO2 eq. kg for 8 m2a (without repurposing etC). So, something is not correct with the uploaded data or they display a specific case which is not described in detail in the PEFCR. This has nothing to do with openLCA ;) 

Hope this helps

ago by (7.3k points)
Dear Paul,

You can look at the "Direct impacts" tab directly inside the process (regionalized results without the need to calculate anything) and you will find the exact same numbers as in the PEFCR. I tested it with our openLCA EF 3.1 Database and the downloaded two RP data sets for sports/landscaping turf.

In case you create a "Product system" first or in case you do a "Direct calculation" of the process, you need to activate "Regionalized calculation" before you start the calculation. Otherwise the impacts will be calculated only with the unregionalized elementary flows. Impact results like "Climate change" have no difference, since they are not regionalized at all. But for example "Water use" or "Land use" will have differences between the regionalized and unregionalized results. For PEF studies and for comparison with the PEFCR, always use the regionalized results and you will see the exact same numbers in the PEFCR, the direct impacts tab inside the process (without calculation), the direct calculation of the process, or the calculation of a created product system.

Best wishes,