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I'm training on openlca with a tutorial and I'm having a problem with the output flows impacts. I have created a flow of nitrate in the output water and its impact does not appear in the results. Are there any special precautions I need to take to ensure that these impacts are taken into account?

in openLCA by (120 points)

1 Answer

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ago by (3.5k points)

yes make sure you choose the right flow and the right impact assessment method. If you open the respective elementary flow for nitrate, you can see a tab with 'Characterisation factors', there you will find the methods and categories that assess this flow. See: https://greendelta.github.io/openLCA2-manual/flows/flow_tabs_contents.html

Also, if it is not assessed, it will show in the LCIA checks: https://greendelta.github.io/openLCA2-manual/res_analysis/res_lcia_checks.html
Hope this helps