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If i am working on a transport scenario, for example if a product is transported from China to Germany, which needs different transport (eg, truck and ship).

if  am working in ecoinvent database, and i chose a flow for example "transport, freight, lorry 3.5-7.5 metric tonne, EURO 3", and i connect it to a provider, when i open the provider some times i find the diesel consumed in that provide. I am inquiring if i must also add another flow of diesel consumed for transporting a given product. Is it double counting??. In other cases, i open providers and i find no diesel in it, does it mean i have to create another flow for diesel consumed?
ago in openLCA by (120 points)

1 Answer

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ago by (4.0k points)

this is specific to the ecoinvent database. There are only 6 providers for that flow. There are split in common transport processes and market activities. The market activities (https://support.ecoinvent.org/market-activities) commonly display the consumption mix of a product for a given region. For those specific transport processes per region (BR, RER, RoW) there is no mix of transportation processes, hence the market process is equal to the common transport process. So if you choose the market process (without diesel consumption) is only linked to the respective transport process (with diesel consumption).
Hope his helps
ago by (120 points)
Thanks for the feedback

So, the general conclusion is that i should not add another diesel flow. Right!