0 votes

Dear all,

I am running a Monte Carlo simulation, openLCA 2.3.1, 10 000 iterations, Ecoinvent 3.10 APOS dataset. However, an error occurred when I tried to export results into excel. The message says: "Export to Excel has encountered a problem, Java heap space".

 Does someone know how to solve this, please? Thank you in advance.



in openLCA by (570 points)
edited by

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (7.9k points)

Hello Maria,

You can increase the memory allocated to openLCA in Preferences → Configuration → Maximum memory usage. Doubling the memory or tripling it will solve the issue.

Kind regards,


+1 vote
by (131k points)
Yes, these exports can become quite big. First step is to increase the memory in openLCA. Leave a bit for other applications (so e.g. if your computer has 16GB, allocate 12 GB or so). Hth, Andreas
by (570 points)
Thank you François and Andreas, it worked. I allocated 70% to only run openLCA.
Best wishes,