+3 votes
Hi everyone,

I'm rather new in LCA, and am struggling to understand the differences between the different system models (APOS, cut-off and consequential). I have read their definitions in Ecoinvent database, but still don't know which method to choose under each scenario. Could anyone provide me with an example of when it is recommended each of the methods?

If I understood well, 'consequential' uses marginal data and the others average data, but I don't understand when is better to use APOS and when cut-off.

Thank you in advance!

Kind regards,

in Miscellaneous by (180 points)
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1 Answer

+3 votes
by (2.0k points)
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Best answer


This is quite concise and simple but explains some of the differences and might be helpful, https://www.pre-sustainability.com/news/finding-your-way-in-allocation-methods-multifunctional-processes-recycling

The marginal / average thing is often true, but is more a result of the different perspectives rather than being the key difference. There's plenty of literature on consequential / attributional analysis. The APOS option is a (complex but clever) way to do allocation, which is typically associated with attributional. However, I think really you need to read the descriptions and decide which better suits the perspective and aims of your study.

best regards


by (180 points)
Hi Sam,

Many thanks for your reply and the explanation. That's a useful article.

Best regards,
